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8:48 a.m. - June 10, 2003
That's it, Done, Fini
So it's happend, all my fears and paranoid thoughts weren't all for naught. I was fired today. Actually they asked me to resign, which I haven't "formally" done yet. For weeks I've been feeling like something was amiss. Little clues here and there, some others were like scud missles. Slowly my responsibilities were being taken away. Two new women were hired (which may or may not be directly related). I went from being completely innundated with work to the point that I couldn't see an end, to actually having time to twiddle my thumbs. I got up the nerve to ask my boss what was going on and that I felt that I was being pushed out, but he assured me that I wasn't, that they were readjusting the work load so that I wasn't so swamped. I was good with that until a couple days later when the whole mood just sort of shifted. I almost felt like everyone was staring at me, like I had something stuck on the seat of my pants or a black ink smudge on my face. The use of the internet and email came up, but only to me. I apologized and assured him it wouldn't happen again, and it didn't. Then I went and responded to an email at work that I had received at home to a woman who had purchased something from me on Ebay but hadn't received it yet. Bad move. That clearly wasn't a smart thing to do, but I was trying to pacify this woman until I could get it straightend out. Come to find out, I was being watched and this email was being recorded and so I was called on the carpet... and fired, oh wait, "asked to resign". Part of me is stunned, part of me isn't surprised at all (if you can be both at the same time). I'm out of a job, out of medical benefits, out of the friends I made there. On the flip side, I'm going to find another job, it will have better benefits and I'm being allowed to spend some much needed time, even if very short, with my kids. Another negative is that we may not get the loan we're in the process of getting, but that screened porch can wait...right?

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