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9:45 p.m. - September 18, 2003
We made it through Isabel without any damage...thank you Lord. A neighbor had a very old, very large oak fall across their brand new above ground pool onto their deck. It was even on the news; we're pretty hard-up for news stories in these parts! It's a drag hanging out indoors all day that's for sure. My mood is not helping at all either.

Brain scan results came back today and I have to ask, is it in bad taste for a doctors nurse to call and leave the results on your answering machine or am I just old school? Remember when the doctors office would call you to come into his office so he can "explain" what they found? Is our medical community too F-ing busy to actually do this? Mom said that she had taken dad for a drive and they came back to plant some flowers and my dad had that message waiting for him. We all suspected it, but it really hits hard when you hear it. Just when you think you can't get anymore depressed someone is standing there with an opened hand ready to slap you into reality. CANCER SUCKS.

Our furry friends have cabin fever. Boo has been pacing and every once in a while we'll hear Pappy plunk his bones down on the floor as if to say "I'm bored". Funny how they are.

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