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8:40 p.m. - May 23, 2005
Spring Time Blooms
Can you believe another school year has gone by? Can I get an Amen! Two days left and I won't have to pack lunches for awhile. Two days left and I don't know what I'm going to do with my kids for the summer. I'm sure they'll spend most of it swimming at Grandma's and playing with MIJE. We have no plans, that's for sure.

I had an awesome birthday on Saturday. Yeah, yeah, thanks! SIL called to ask me out for lunch with her and MIL. We were there for a few minutes when a strange waiter came over and set down an Appletini in front of me. SIL get's this semi-alarmed look on her face and belts out "This isn't ours". The waiter told me it was from "That guy over there". "I'm looking over there but don't see any guy". "Oh well", I say "I'm not going to shoot the messenger". Just then I look up to see 3 heads popping up. It was M.O.M. (Mark, Olivia and Matthew). I'm not a drinker but you can't turn a free drink down right? Later on I found out that his motive was to get me tipsy and home to try out the hoola hoop he got me...nekid! Ha, I said...ain't gonna happen. After receiving gifts throughout the day from MOM we went to MIL's for a KFC (gag me) dinner. Later we all went to see Star Wars. It was a fabulous day. I'm now being told that I'll be 39 forever! Jeeze, am I really that old?

Other than that, not much has been happening here. I have such a boring life. Oh, I did plant some impatiens Sunday. In a few weeks they'll all be blooming brightly from their pots. I have a big wine barrell (cut in half) that I need to fill with something. Mark has the front yard looking pristene. I'd take a picture but I have no gold.


Peace out.

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