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10:19 p.m. - May 19, 2002
Productive weekends and Periods.
I had a great weekend. Friday I took O & M to get their hair cut. Saturday I started by getting all my hair cut off and highlighted. On my way out of the salon Mark and the kids were waiting for me. It felt like A Makeover Story! They were all smiles, I was all smiles. I felt really good. We went to lunch then back to Lowe's to get some stuff that Mark needed to put in my new shelves in the pantry. I was so excited that he did this. He, like me, has a hard time seeing projects through to completion so when he told me he was done I got really excited. I tell ya, it's the simple things for this girl. Today I took Olivia to the mall and picked up a pair of shoes for her and I and also made a visit to Bath and Body Works. We were going to go out to dinner tonight but neither one of us really felt up to it. Besides, he was putting in our new bird feeder and walk way lights. Our yard is really starting to come together. We also bought a liner for the koi pond out back so that should be done soon.

I talked to my brother tonight, first time since Christmas. I don't know if it's old age or the fact that he just got back from a long run to California but he was a grump. I thought maybe he was mad at me because I hadn't called for so long and I was a day late calling for his birthday. Who knows.

During my entry O came up to me and asked me how long her period will last. Whoa, was that ever out of the blue. I got so nervous. I've never been able to start the conversation with her because I get so tense and don't really know what to say. I have to pat myself on the back though, I held it together and answered her as best I could. I tell ya, that girl is wise beyond her years. She told me that she never wanted to grow up because life is only to get harder. She realizes how fast time goes by and she already yearns for her "younger years". I was pretty blown away. I think this girl is going turn out be a level-headed, strong individual with a real sense of her world and herself. This is my prediction. Hmm, I think I need to wrap my brain around this one for awhile. I'll talk to you again tomorrow.


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