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9:43 p.m. - June 22, 2002
Oh Crappy Day!
I can't believe I've missed 3 days of posting. Thursday night I went with about a dozen women to see Ya-Ya Sisterhood. That was a great movie. I give it a hearty two-thumbs-up.

Friday was great until I went to the pharmacy to pick up my meds. I found out that I had reached my cap on my coverage so I had to pay a whopping $169.00 for my prescription. This is just one of three prescriptions that I need and from now until January I have to pay full price. I just want to scream. Ya know, some sort of courtesy notice would be such a help. Just something saying that "You're getting close to the end of your medication coverage". This whole insurance thing is so overwhelming that I just don't think my complaining to them is going to make a bit of difference.

So then I went home and proceeded to lose control and almost strangled my husband, (not really, but close). I know that it's because I've lowered the lithium (w/dr's advice). I was feeling really good until this happend and now I feel like I'm back to square one again. It scared me how out of control I got. He just looked at me like Whoa, what is happening to you? It also made me rethink the possiblity of having another baby. Can I go off of meds for long enough? What happens if I can't? Will it put me right over the edge if I do? My head is spinning.

Everything I've touched today has fallen apart. Don't you just hate that? I mean literally everthing either broke, fell over, I got caught on it, slammed my hand in it. Mark and I were putting up a shelf on the newly painted wall (I think you know where I'm going with this). He gets it up and it's just sitting on the brackets. He told me not put anything on it until he got the other screws for it. He walked away from it and it fell off the wall putting a huge ding in the wall and gouging the hardwood floor, knocking down the lamp on the way and crushing the lamp shade. When it finally came to rest on the floor it sort of fell apart. It was almost comical...almost. I thought that was going to make me come out of my skin. I ran upstairs and laid in bed until my heart calmed down. Needles to say it's been a crappy day.

I'm going to go eat a piece of entemans and go to bed.


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